Configure Spreadsheet Options

The tables below describe the spreadsheet configuration options in more detail.

Option Description
Description The name of the category. You can change the description, if desired. The category name appears in the top header row of the spreadsheet.
Associated Type Property

The selection you make here determines the choices that are available in the category column on the spreadsheet.

For example, on an MCC spreadsheet, the associated type property for Protective Device is set to Class (LvBreaker). In the Project Settings, the LvBreaker has a Class property that is set to a selection list that includes MCCB, ICCB, and LVPCB. These are the choices that appear on an MCC spreadsheet in the Protective Device column.

Section Header This item is for display only. As you change the background and foreground colors, your changes are shown here and in the Preview section at the bottom of the window.
Background Use to change the background color for the category on the spreadsheet.


Use to change the font color for the category on the spreadsheet.
Select Equipment

When this check box is selected on a category, a user can select a piece of equipment on the spreadsheet for the category.

  • Link to all properties: When this check box is selected, a button is included on the spreadsheet that opens the selected item's properties.
  • Display equipment name: When this check box is selected, a column is included in the group on the spreadsheet that displays the name of the equipment selected in the category.
  • Shareable group: When this check box is selected, then when the feeder is split on the spreadsheet, the entire group is shared between the split feeder rows.
  • Can insert after: Not currently used.


Option Description
Shared feeder property

When selected, the option determines the columns that appear in a split feeder which are common with the parent feeder and cannot be changed.

For example, on an MCC spreadsheet, on the Spreadsheet Section category, the name in Section Space is shared between the split feeder lines and isn't available to change on the second feeder line.

Feeder name property Equipment on the feeder below the selected property share this property's name as part of the auto-naming feature.
Freeze column If selected, this column appears to the far left of the spreadsheet after the Item Number column and remains locked in place there even as the spreadsheet is scrolled to the right.
Pole property For panel spreadsheets, this identifies the property that contains the number of poles for the circuit.
Device property

Determines whether the feeder for this property is for a main (incoming device), or feeder or tie breaker (outgoing device).

For bus duct, the property is always set to Plug Device, and the property is either Incoming or Feeder.

Plug distance property For bus duct, this option determines which property is used to specify the plug distance, and is always set to Plug spacing.

Comment property

All spreadsheets can have a comment column in the Spreadsheet Section. This option determines whether a column in that section is set up as a comment.

Wizard item When this option is selected, the property becomes available for input on the spreadsheet creation wizard when a user creates a new spreadsheet.

More Information

Configuring Spreadsheets


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Last updated 3/1/2017

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